Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lucky Auntie

Dear Readers,

Many of you are asking when is launching. I don't blame you. I have been telling my networks on Facebook and Twitter, not to mention friends and family, that the site is launching very soon.

And I promise you this: It IS launching very soon.

But here's a great lesson to learn about Entrepreneurship. As much as you envision and plan and work hard, some things are just out of your control. Plain out of your control.

The truth is, sometimes the good stuff is out of your control as well. Good luck and bad luck have one thing in common: it's all luck. So while the site is taking longer than expected to launch, I would not have changed a thing. I am very lucky to be in the position I am in with so many people believing in me and the site. So very lucky.

The people I am working with, the creative agency Syrup and Quarksoft, the technology team, all believe in me, in Savvy Auntie, and in doing the best possible job they can for my success. I have now hired Megan Licursi Marketing Communications to manage my PR efforts and Megan and her colleague Kristi believe in me. I am very fortunate to be working with these dedicated and incredibly talented teams.

And then there are all the amazing people I have met in my online and offline social networks who have been spreading the word about Savvy Auntie. Had I launched a few months ago as first hoped, I would never have had time to cultivate these incredibly valuable and valued relationships. Without a doubt, these relationships are integral to the success of my company, if only because these people believe in me.

I promise you that I am launching very soon. In the meantime, if you would like to sign up as a Beta Tester, please visit and put the words: "I read your blog" in the message area. You may also refer your Auntie friends to the site as well. All Aunts are welcome, including ABRs (Aunts by Relation) ABCs (Aunts by Choice) Mommy Aunties, Godmothers, Great Aunts, etc.

So as much as I would like to tell you that I am launching Savvy Auntie tomorrow, I can't do that. But I'm ok with it - if only because I am just so fortunate that you even care to ask.

Auntie Melanie


  1. You go Girl! Anything worth having is worth waiting for :).

  2. I think I signed up for the beta - didn't I?

    I'm waiting - and I'm patient. I think it's going to be wonderful - I just can't wait to see.


  3. I'm so excited and will wait as long as it takes - perfection isn't quickly achieved :-)

  4. So exciting!


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