Dear Readers,
I've been getting some great press lately. And I don't have a PR agency supporting my PR efforts, so I am very fortunate. Some have asked how I am doing it. Well, it's good to have a strong product, and a season twist (gift giving) as well as a first break on TV.
I had a PR agency helping me launch the site back in July, and they did land me a few great 'gigs,' like my initial NBC's The 10! Show and a Better.TV appearance that I recorded last week (and will appear on 12.23.08). I've managed to "up-sell" the NBC 10! Show (local 11AM show in Philadelphia) a few times and have done several Gift segments there, which are fantastic (although a bit of a schlep from NYC).
The first 10! Show appearance helped get me a great opportunity to be a Contributing Editor to Toy Wishes Magazine. This wonderful role has enabled me to have air time on WCBS in NYC and on Fox New Strategy Room just last week (a streaming online news show) and there may be more appearances before the end of the year! Thanks again, Gareb!
Of all my appearances, the Fox News Strategy Room was perhaps the most fun. I didn't have to bring a series of toys and gifts to showcase... it was just me talking on panel with smart people. We talked about the Golden Globes, Jennifer Aniston's recent 'naked' photos in GQ and toys. It was so much fun! And the best part? They asked me back again right after the show! So catch me here http://www.foxnews.com/strategyroom/ tomorrow (Monday, December 15th) at noon-1PM EST.
There is no doubt that I am very lucky. But to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson: "The harder I work, the luckier I am." I'll be writing a post soon about how the best way to achieve success is often to work hard. Very hard. Boy do I know it.
Auntie Melanie
PS - Check out my Top 10 Savvy Holiday Gifts of the Season! http://www.savvyauntie.com/link/top10holiday08
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